Blockchain-based MDM for data governance A vaccine supply chain use case

  • Imane EZZINE Computer Science departement, Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University
  • Laila Benhlima Computer Science departement, Mohammadia Engineering School, Mohammed V University


The effects of COVID-19 have quickly spread aroundthe world, testing the limits of the population and the public healthsector. High demand on medical services are offset by disruptionsin daily operations as hospitals struggle to function in the face ofovercapacity, understaffing and information gaps. Faced withthese problems, new technologies are being deployed to fight thispandemic and help medical staff governments to reduce its spread.Among these technologies, we find blockchains ArtificialIntelligence which have been used in tracking, predictionapplications and others. However, despite the help that these newtechnologies have provided, they remain limited if the data withwhich they are fed are not of good quality. In this paper, wehighlight some benefits of using Blockchain and AI to deal withthis pandemic and some data quality issues that still presentchallenges to decision making. We present a general Blockchainbasedframework for data governance and particulary we proposea MDM solution based on blockchain and AI that aims to ensurea high level of data trust, security, and privacy. Finally, a use caseof healthcare supply chain is described to approach our MasterData Management MDM model based on blockchain.
May 30, 2022
How to Cite
EZZINE, Imane; BENHLIMA, Laila. Blockchain-based MDM for data governance A vaccine supply chain use case. International Journal of Information Science and Technology, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 19 - 29, may 2022. ISSN 2550-5114. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 feb. 2025. doi: