Information Technology and Data Analytics for Beekeeping and Beehive Health
The Apiculture (beekeeping) sector faces modern business challenges that require greater efficiency. The beekeeping community is confronted with its own technical and environmental issues in conjunction with regulatory and economic responsibilities. This study has conducted a New Zealand wide online survey among registered beekeepers and business. These individuals have varying levels of interest and investment in apiculture, as well as diverse viewpoints regarding the significance of digital beekeeping data and data management practices. Therefore, this study brings these together and synthesizes these information requirements for future information technology toolsThe Research Question has been: What data is critical to hive health, and why? Consequently, the online survey results indicate that there are unmet data needs related to hive inspections. This includes data related to hive health and external factors. Hive health monitoring offers the most fertile area to deploy further digital technologies and help transform beekeeping business.
The three most important external factors identified by beekeepers that point to data needs are extreme weather, pesticide use and condition of nearby apiaries. These present opportunities for the development and implementation of innovative technology-based solutions. The conclusions discuss the opportunities exist for data storage related to geographic locations alongside floral, crop and natural vegetation density, as well as hive density.
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