IoT EHealth ecosystem based on WWAN
The Internet of Things is perceived today as a key opportunity for commercial development in different sectors of activity. Ehealth is a new IoT ecosystem where several microcomputer with health detection capabilities can diagnose the state of health of a patient, to deduce if his condition is stable or if a need for medical intervention very fast is obligatory, to prevent against any threat that can make us lose our patient. In this article we distinguish the different Ehealth micro-computer networks that can allow access at the collected health information of the patient to the Internet for processing, and we focus especially on WWANs that allow to send signals over a long distance and led to cover a large geographic area.The submitting author warrants that the submission is original and that she/he is the author of the submission together with the named co-authors; to the extend the submission incorporates text passages, figures, data or other material from the work of others, the submitting author has obtained any necessary permission.
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